Copyright is an intellectual property right which protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, cinematographic, photographic and sound recording works.
All original published or unpublished literary, artistic, dramatic, musical, sound recording and cinematograph films are registrable under the Copyright Act, 1957.
Copyright confers on its owners the following rights to:- Reproduce the work;
- Issue copies of the work to public;
- Perform the work in public;
- Communicate the work;
- Make any translation of the work;
- Make any adaptation of the work;
- Make cinematographic film or sound recording in respect of the work.
- Literary or musical works: Lifetime of the Author + 60 years.
- Cinematographic films, photographs & computer programmers: 60 years.
Our team consists of Copyright, Media and Entertainment experts with significant experience which stems from working with notable Publishing houses, Authors, Social Media content creators, brands, Production houses and well-known Artists from the Media & Entertainment Industry.
Our Copyright Services:- Filing of Copyright Applications.
- Response to Office Actions.
- Prosecution.
- Copyright Litigation.
- Assignment / Licensing of Copyright.
- Agreements.