Data Protection and Privacy
Privacy has always been an important aspect of the civilised human life. One type of privacy is data privacy especially personal information privacy. While information which is in physical form can be safeguarded by using physical means, its becoming more and more difficult to protect and manage digitised personal information. There is also a general lack of understanding amongst businesses and individuals as to what is Personal Data and what are the legal impacts of not protecting the same.
In view of the above, we aim to bridge this gap in understand and also helping businesses in setting up the right framework within the organization to be legally compliant.
We provide wholistic services to organisations with regard to Data Privacy. Such services include advisory on:
- Understanding the basics of Data Privacy and the impact of non-compliance on the organization.
- Designing a Privacy Program
- Visibility Mapping
- Establishing a Privacy Team
- Building and Drafting Privacy Policies and Processes
- Managing Contracts
- Appropriate Training & Awareness for the staff handling Personal Information in the Organisation