
A trademark is a distinguished sign, design, or expression which identifies and differentiates specific products or services of a brand from those of others. A trademark represents a company’s business and the goodwill associated with it. If appropriately protected and strategized, a trademark can provide a tremendous business ad-vantage and a competitive edge to a brand.

A trademark generally performs four functions, under modern business conditions:

  • It identifies goods/or services and its origin;
  • It guarantees the quality and efficacy of the same;
  • It advertises the goods/services;
  • It creates goodwill and reputation in the market;
  • It safeguards the right holder against third party infringement.

The registration of trademark is valid for a period of 10 years and can be renewed thereon from time to time.

We provide end-to-end assistance to help clients maximize business value from their trademarks. From trademark clearance searching, due diligence, prosecution to trademark registration and brand management, our team offers a wide range of trademark services.

Our Trademark Services:

  • Trademark Classification.
  • Trademark Due diligence.
  • Trademark Search.
  • Filing of Trademark Applications.
  • Response to Examination Reports.
  • Drafting of Oppositions / Counter statements.
  • Filing of Renewal Applications.
  • Rectification / Cancellation of Trademark.
  • Trademark Litigation.
  • Assignment / Licensing of Trademark.
  • Agreements.